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12 Apr

The Shoes Valley of the Marche region: the shoe is fragrant with Made in Italy

The Shoes Valley of the Marche region: the shoe is fragrant with Made in Italy

What are the best shoes exported around the globe, those where the love and passion mingle with know how of expert hands? They come from “Shoes Valley” of the Marche region, one of the most famous Italian footwear districts. And, which brings together 18 producers of the Marche of woman’s and man’s shoes, is, in this sense, a gift box so full of surprises branded Made in Italy. The real one, not the labels and words to fill the mouth.

Women’s footwear by Shusala: three models, three styles, unique quality

I admit, choosing my three favorite models in the great autumn / winter collection 2015/2016 women’s shoes was not easy: the beauty and the extreme quality of the shoes that populate the “Shusala” district will leave you speechless. I tried to select models that will make consumers aware of what you wear on your feet.

The first model is Carla, the derby with flap, lacing monk buckle by Gianfranco Butteri. The pointed shape is perfectly in line with current trends in the world of women’s footwear, as well as the lacing which incorporates the male models in vogue. Black calf leather and leather for the bottom are ultimately the materials that characterize a model which strips the excellence of the brand by frills and superfluous to present an accessory tailored of a woman who adores the male style.

Another round, another race, the arrow stops on Thelma, the brogue with punching English by Andrea Lattanzi. Here the odd lots are finished with a pleasant pinking and minimalist nature is revealed with a simple waxed string. The element characterizing the model is the tank “extra-light” bottom which makes this woman’s shoe very light, perfect to be with you for hours. Not only perfect for traveling but also to not occupy too much weight in your suitcase!

My last is the woman’s boot Quercia that comes straight from Capezzani’s world. This model is knee length, made of shiny black leather and is characterized by a flap with buckle lacing monk that brings to the classic elegance: the masculine’s one.

The rubber bottom with leather detail combined with zippers and buckles with branded tie rods make this woman’s shoe for the autumn winter collection 2015/2016 by Shusala the perfect interpretation of the concept “less is more”: because the accessory is able, by itself, to complete a look without the need to add more.

Three models of women’s shoes of different brands, with different histories, with different routes in the fashion world, but all with a common denominator: the passion for one’s own land and the love for “doing well.”

Valentina Castelli
Valentina Castelli

Cresciuta a pane e scarpe in quella che possiamo definire la “shoes valley” marchigiana, odia le definizioni e le etichette, perciò si identifica in una matrioska per le numerose attività che la contraddistinguono. Fin da tenera età la passione è unica ed ha un unico nome: moda. Laureata in Marketing e comunicazione d’azienda, ricopre ruoli che vanno dalla stagista fotocopie alla Digital PR, da Junior Internet Marketing a Social Media Marketing Specialist, finché non decide che è arrivato il momento di dire la sua, sulla moda. Dopo aver mosso i primi passi come blogger per, attualmente è redattrice moda per varie testate, social media specialist nel settore moda e, ebbene sì, anche produttrice discografica. Tina Telli, pseudonimo con il quale si firma nel web, non è altro che l’abbreviazione di nome e cognome, ma questo l’avevate già capito, vero?

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